Reunion of class A in July 2008
Class "A" was the dominating force of the School 88 from 1963 till 1971.
Szkola Podstawowa nr 88 im. Stefana Zeromskiego W Krakowie, Osiedle 'Szklane Domy' Nowa Huta. Klasa 'A' 1963-1971
Class A 1967 4th grade. Zdjecie klasy, rok czwarty
Photo of klas "A" grate 4. Zdjecie klasy "A" rok 4
Szkola 88 in Krakow
Spotkanie Klasowe Szkola 88 OS Szklane Domy. First reunion of Class "A" 02 07 2008
Club 1949 Osiedle Urocze. First reunion of Class "A" 02 07 2008. The Club is no longer at this address
First meeting took place at Club 1949 Osiedle Urocze Nowa Huta. A bit of talking drinking and atmosphere become very warm but after a while people felt like something to eat and drink like BEER !!! MMMMM.........BEER
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Well.... Food and drinks?!#?! The best place for that is of cause KRAKOW!!!!! To get there we past few places in the Nowa Huta. Places where we use to play and have fun.
On the old photo Dariusz Kaczor and Piotr Luszczek (class "A") are carrying the shield School on the right teacher W.F. Lesniewski
Last stop Aleja Roz and Plac Centralny. Now we're ready to hit the restaurants of Krakow.
Krakow: City of history, legends, stories, ghosts, mysteries, City of entertainment, City of excitement.
Class "A" reunion continue
Szkola Podstawowa 88 klasa 8 A rok 1970/71 Patron: Stefan Zeromski. Niektóre nazwiska mają dołączone zdjęcie. Zdjęcie pokażę się po kliknięciu na nazwisko.
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After run out of beer in the Krakow the three amigos ( the rest of the class had enough ) move to Wisnicz a small castle surrounded by small town and plenty of beer, so the celebration continue.
Co malupka widzi, malupka to robiMamy dwuch odwaznych po kilku piwach nawet kosciola sie nie bali